Oh, 2016. It's easy to sit back and think about the negative events that happened this year. And while I don't want to diminish or downplay the tragedies our world faced this year, I simply cannot live in the negativity. Instead I choose to learn from the experiences, to find the positive aspects, and to live in the hope that the new year will continue to bring happiness amid the darkness we tend to face.
Looking inward on 2016 I honestly do have many blessings to count. Since you're here already, perhaps you'll join me in this reflection from my year?
If not, no worries. I understand! It's a long post and this is of my life, after all. It may dull in comparison to yours or to the other blogs you have in your feed. However, I enjoy doing this long post every year as a way to not only document the year in one space, but also as a reminder to give thanks for what I had and pray for continued health and good times in the new year.
So here we go!
[This is the longest post I have ever written. It took a ton of time to put together lol!]
No year can start off without a photo of Teddy.
Cousins came to visit!!
NYC Bagel!
Megan said Yes to her Dress!!
Heart-shaped pizza for Valentine's Day. Not many other photos this month. I guess we just hibernated.
We went to Atlanta to wish Miss Scarlett, our gorgeous Goddaughter/Niece, a happy first Birthday!!
The Old St. Pat's Concert Choir had our annual Siamsa na nGael concert. It was an amazing experience performing at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra!
Home in Ohio for Easter, spending time with my sister and two gorgeous nieces!!!
Quick surprise trip to Boston to celebrate Kim's 30th!!
First trip to Europe! I should dedicate blog posts to the whole trip, but in a nutshell we spent time with family and friends in Madrid and took day trips to Salamanca and Toledo. We then jetted off for a quick trip to Rome and Vatican City. The art, the history, the architecture, the food, the people, the coffee...I don't quite have the words to express my love for our adventures. It was the best trip ever and I seriously can't wait to go back!!
We also celebrated our second anniversary while in Madrid!
Sorry for the photo dump. It was difficult to limit the choices for this blog post.
What a trip!!!!
Celebrated my 31st birthday and said goodbye to my childhood home in Lancaster, Ohio. That was rough. Lancaster will always be home!
My best friend, Callie, surprised me in Chicago for a very welcome visit!
Watched the Nats slaughter the Sox!
Went to Napa for Megan's bachelorette and squeezed in a visit with my sister and nieces!!
Checked out Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill for a long weekend! Beautiful area!
Spent the 4th weekend in Ohio to celebrate Holly's baby shower...and randomly was an extra in a music video with my sorority sisters.
Sometimes I pretended to be a blogger with photos like this
Ladies night with my old work buddies!
Cappello moved here!!!!
Spent a weekend in Saugatuck, Michigan with family - including the Madrid family!! We also welcomed two new babies and celebrated two weddings in Lake Placid and in central Ohio!
Closed out the month to Andrew's surprise Steelers tickets gift!!!! Clearly I was excited.
Kicked off the month with a fun wedding here in Chicago at Emporium, the arcade bar! We then went to San Francisco to surprise Lizzie at her 6th Birthday party!! We ended the month with a fun visit from Andrew's parents!
Quick trip to Pittsburgh to visit Grandma and cheer on the Steelers, followed by a fun Halloween as Bob and Linda from Bob's Burgers!
Celebrated two years at my job and a CUBS CHAMPIONSHIP, weekend trip to DC for fun, our niece Maggie turned ONE!!!!, fun with Daniela, Thanksgiving in Atlanta and HAMILTON!!
Last but certainly not least, a jam-packed month with parents here for my choir concert (and Callie surprised me, too!), all of the parties for work and book club and friends, Cappello's baby's first birthday party, meeting two of my favorite WGN anchors, Christmas in Austin (including a Willie Nelson concert!!) and finished the year with a Gatsby NYE party!
So there you have it! Did you make it to the end?
A year full of travel, family, friends, weddings, babies, and so much fun! I am so glad that I put this post together to remember that 2016 was pretty amazing!
Thanks for reading! Cheers to 2017!!