Happy Wedding Wednesday!
First of all, would anyone like to take the reins and host this linkup while I am away for the Big Day and honeymoon? It's easy and will only be for one day (Wednesday, April 30)!
Please leave a message and we will get it all set up :)
Speaking of...
You guys. The wedding is 17 days away.
I can't even tell you how much I have to do and how exhausted I am...
...so I won't!
What I WILL share is how much fun this all is. Sure it's tiring, but it's tiring for good reasons!
And on top of it I started a new job! I love my co-workers and boss and I'm learning a ton.
Sure it's overwhelming, but I truly needed to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.
However, I didn't necessarily plan for my comfort zone to go by the wayside days before the wedding, but hey, that's life, throwing you the unexpected. God can't give us more than we can handle, amIright?
Anyway, Monday night was our first dance lesson and it was just what the doctor ordered. It was fun, romantic and silly. Such a good time! I can't wait for next Monday!
We're not having a choreographed routine, just a little instruction of how to Rumba to our song and some flourish ideas. We're excited!
That being said, if you ever need a present for a friend who's engaged, I highly suggest dance lessons! My sister and brother-in-law treated us to a Groupon for group dance lessons at Christmas. Due to our schedule I knew that 8 weeks in a row of lessons, while super fun, just wasn't possible. I called the studio and they exchanged it for two private lessons. I'm so happy they made the switch!
Our instructor suggested that I wear my shoes for the lessons. Twist my arm.
OK now I finally MUST recap the incredible bachelorette in Pittsburgh!
My sister planned SUCH an amazing evening! I am so happy that it was all a surprise because the fun just kept coming and coming!
First of all, these girls really went above and beyond. I love them so very much!!
Second, they were way too generous and gave me such thoughtful gifts!!!
The first event of the evening was a surprise hairdo (with treats, too, obviously)!
Such pretty ladies!
Gosh I love them!
After our hair we went back to the hotel to finish primping and open the super sweet gifts they gave me!
My sister also planned a fun scavenger hunt and gave us all towels with this fun blog in mind!
(The towels were a nod to being in Pittsburgh, the home of our beloved Steelers Terrible Towels!)
Every time I sassed someone or something sassy happened around us we were all supposed to wave our towels with pride.
How are you doing this week?
My sister planned SUCH an amazing evening! I am so happy that it was all a surprise because the fun just kept coming and coming!
First of all, these girls really went above and beyond. I love them so very much!!
Second, they were way too generous and gave me such thoughtful gifts!!!
The first event of the evening was a surprise hairdo (with treats, too, obviously)!
Such pretty ladies!
Gosh I love them!
After our hair we went back to the hotel to finish primping and open the super sweet gifts they gave me!
My sister also planned a fun scavenger hunt and gave us all towels with this fun blog in mind!
(The towels were a nod to being in Pittsburgh, the home of our beloved Steelers Terrible Towels!)
Every time I sassed someone or something sassy happened around us we were all supposed to wave our towels with pride.
I certainly waved my towel a bunch that night!
Then we were off!
And off we went in STYLE!
Heck yeah we got a limo!
Yep, I felt fabulous.
We ate dinner at a dive bar and had pizza and beer!
It was PERFECT!!!!!
My sister knows me so well!
Pizza, beer, my girls and sequins. What more do I need in life?
Not much...but the German beer hall we went to afterward was the cherry on top, that's for sure.
If you ever find yourself in Pittsburgh, PLEASE go to the Hofbrauhaus, stand on the picnic tables, drink litres of delicious bier, and dance your rear off to the live polka band!
I sure did!
These two photos are classic!
I mean, c'mon. Look at how happy I was that night!
So so so so fun.
I can't thank my sister and girlfriends enough!!!
How are you doing this week?
Please join our linkup and share the linkup on social, too, if you wish!
@marysue20 is the name, #WeddingWednesday is the game.
@marysue20 is the name, #WeddingWednesday is the game.

Looks like an amazing time, and you looked fabulous!
Your bachelorette looks like it was super fun!! The scavenger hunt idea is brilliant. But OH MY GOODNESS - YOUR SHOES ARE AMAZING!!! Love them.
I would love to help you out with the link-up on April 30th if you're still looking for someone!
Love the pics! Looks like the party was super fun!
Just seeing this post now. Looks SO fun!! I love the scavenger hunt idea. Yay!
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