<div align="center"><a href="http://www.littlebitofclasslittlebitofsass.com/" title="Little Bit of Class Little Bit of Sass"><img src="http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh513/aukris02/weddingwednesdaybutton_zps1bde4fd6.jpg" alt="Little Bit of Class Little Bit of Sass" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Happy Wednesday everyone!
It's time to link up with me and Kristyn from Chits & Giggles!
It occurred to me last week that I never shared how I asked ladies to be part of the bridal party!
Silly me.
I did share a while ago how I asked my sister to be Matron of Honor and how we asked Lizzie to be our Flower Girl, but here's a quick refresher:
About a week after Andrew's amazing proposal, they were scheduled to visit. I knew I wanted to ask them in person so it was the perfect time. For Lizzie it was easy. The day after Andrew proposed in DC I hopped over to Eastern Market and bought her a handmade flower headband from one of the vendors.
When we asked she shyly and sweetly said "Yes!" and then wore the headband proudly.
For Kate I got a little more creative, thanks to the inspiration from Callie and picture hunting from my parents.
That's Kate holding me as a newborn!
She can add a picture of us from the wedding in the bottom frame.
Now on to my bridesmaids!
Andrew and I decided to have 5 attendants on each side and Lizzie as our flower girl. While I love all sizes of bridal parties and respect each bride's choices, having more than 5 on each side is too big for us.
The biggest thing for me was asking each one of them in person, which was tough to do since they live in different states. However, we had plenty of time so it was fun to slowly ask.
I was worried at first about only having five bridesmaids for the following reasons:
Well first of all, I knew my sister and sister-in-law would be two of them. I did not feel obligated whatsoever to ask them. I knew I wanted them at my side since they are not only family, they are two of my dearest friends in the world and I love them so much. Plus, they are fantastic role models! They're awesome!
So that leaves me three.
While I wanted to ask about 10 girls, I knew the most logical thing to do was choose one from each stage of life: one from childhood, one from college, and one from grad school. In my mind these three ladies are representatives!
Here's what I did:
I got the bracelets from The Shine Project's Threads brand and tied them with that fun saying. I bought a bracelet for myself, too, obviously.
All of the girls cutely wore them (without me asking them to!) when they came in to shop for the dress weekend, too!
And yes, they all came in to shop from around the country! How amazing is that?!?!
Want to know when I asked the other four gals?
OK twist my arm, I'll share.
I asked my sister-in-law at Christmas. It was one of her gifts. We squealed a little bit. Then my brother made fun of us, but whatever. We were excited!!
I asked my hometown girl (Holly) in January when we were in Ohio visiting and venue shopping. I've known Holly since we were toddlers and we were even neighbors growing up! This girl and I can go months without talking and then pick right up where we left off. We can gab for hours about nothing and everything and she just plain gets me, inside and out. She is one of the funniest and most caring people I know. I'm in her wedding next July, too!
I asked my college friend (Callie) when she was visiting Chicago in January. She asked me to be in her wedding at the same time! We can't keep anything from each other so we knew it was happening, but the way each of us did it was a surprise, which was fun!! Callie and I talk almost every day and we were roommates for a year at Otterbein. Her friendship made moving away from home easier. I tear up thinking about what a good friend Callie is to me. She truly is a wonderful person!
Asking my grad school friend was super fun, too, but I had to wait forever to do it! That was torture! She came to visit for St. Patrick's Day so I knew I had to do it then. We went to the Green Mill after we picked her up from the airport and I asked her at the bar haha. Typical. If you recall, Megan is the lass who sent me the Steelers signatures a few weeks ago. Megan and I met at orientation for our program at Georgetown and we were inseparable from that day on. We got each other through school, from coffee and library dates to early morning study sessions...and of course partying. We did a lot of that, too.
Know what else is awesome?
Andrew is good friends with all of them, too! I absolutely love that!
What's going on with you this week?
Any wedding stories to share? Please link up below!
It's time to link up with me and Kristyn from Chits & Giggles!
It occurred to me last week that I never shared how I asked ladies to be part of the bridal party!
Silly me.
I did share a while ago how I asked my sister to be Matron of Honor and how we asked Lizzie to be our Flower Girl, but here's a quick refresher:
When we asked she shyly and sweetly said "Yes!" and then wore the headband proudly.
For Kate I got a little more creative, thanks to the inspiration from Callie and picture hunting from my parents.
That's Kate holding me as a newborn!
Now on to my bridesmaids!
Andrew and I decided to have 5 attendants on each side and Lizzie as our flower girl. While I love all sizes of bridal parties and respect each bride's choices, having more than 5 on each side is too big for us.
The biggest thing for me was asking each one of them in person, which was tough to do since they live in different states. However, we had plenty of time so it was fun to slowly ask.
I was worried at first about only having five bridesmaids for the following reasons:
- I have been in six weddings and am about to be in my seventh in a couple of weeks...and my eighth next summer!!
- I was in a sorority.
- I have always surrounded myself with amazing women who I call dear friends, from elementary school to today.
- I have lived in four different cities in my 28 years.
Well first of all, I knew my sister and sister-in-law would be two of them. I did not feel obligated whatsoever to ask them. I knew I wanted them at my side since they are not only family, they are two of my dearest friends in the world and I love them so much. Plus, they are fantastic role models! They're awesome!
So that leaves me three.
While I wanted to ask about 10 girls, I knew the most logical thing to do was choose one from each stage of life: one from childhood, one from college, and one from grad school. In my mind these three ladies are representatives!
Here's what I did:
I got the bracelets from The Shine Project's Threads brand and tied them with that fun saying. I bought a bracelet for myself, too, obviously.
All of the girls cutely wore them (without me asking them to!) when they came in to shop for the dress weekend, too!
And yes, they all came in to shop from around the country! How amazing is that?!?!
Want to know when I asked the other four gals?
OK twist my arm, I'll share.
I asked my sister-in-law at Christmas. It was one of her gifts. We squealed a little bit. Then my brother made fun of us, but whatever. We were excited!!
I asked my hometown girl (Holly) in January when we were in Ohio visiting and venue shopping. I've known Holly since we were toddlers and we were even neighbors growing up! This girl and I can go months without talking and then pick right up where we left off. We can gab for hours about nothing and everything and she just plain gets me, inside and out. She is one of the funniest and most caring people I know. I'm in her wedding next July, too!
I asked my college friend (Callie) when she was visiting Chicago in January. She asked me to be in her wedding at the same time! We can't keep anything from each other so we knew it was happening, but the way each of us did it was a surprise, which was fun!! Callie and I talk almost every day and we were roommates for a year at Otterbein. Her friendship made moving away from home easier. I tear up thinking about what a good friend Callie is to me. She truly is a wonderful person!
Asking my grad school friend was super fun, too, but I had to wait forever to do it! That was torture! She came to visit for St. Patrick's Day so I knew I had to do it then. We went to the Green Mill after we picked her up from the airport and I asked her at the bar haha. Typical. If you recall, Megan is the lass who sent me the Steelers signatures a few weeks ago. Megan and I met at orientation for our program at Georgetown and we were inseparable from that day on. We got each other through school, from coffee and library dates to early morning study sessions...and of course partying. We did a lot of that, too.
Know what else is awesome?
Andrew is good friends with all of them, too! I absolutely love that!
What's going on with you this week?
Any wedding stories to share? Please link up below!
Aww, I love those bracelets. Those are so cute! I might have to find some of those for my maids! So exciting!!
My maids are all over the country, so I wasn't able to ask them in person, but I did send them Etsy cards. I might be recapping that next week!
Great idea on how to handle the friends you would want to ask, but it wasn't possible.
Super cute ways to ask your girls to be in your wedding! The bracelets were such a cute idea :)
Aww so sweet!! 5 is a good number, I like that.
Love the bracelets! Such a sweet idea. I am actually only having 2 in my official bridal party and 7 "attendants." Check my blog post in a couple of weeks with that explanation! :)
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