Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Update: Engagement Edition!

 (Leann, Dana, Sami)

Sooo if you read my post over the weekend (and the title of this post), you know what's coming for the weekend update! 
I hope you don't mind, but it was the best day of my life so this is a long post. A shorter version of this (plus his version if he'll do it!!!) will go on our wedding website for sure!

Background story (or should I say "Zack Morris Time Out"??): when Andrew and I moved to Chicago in May 2011, we promised ourselves we would visit DC once a year no matter what. While we love Chicago, we both really miss the District and especially our close friends who live there. In the three years he lived there and the four years I lived there, we made some of the most amazing memories and dearest friends. This year we planned the trip to be this past weekend due to availability and cheap flights. 
AKA I had NO idea this was coming...
...although, I will admit, I kind of hoped it would; I'm a girl about to go on a trip with her boyfriend of three years, you know?!?! Of course I wanted it to happen! Although we never spoke of it, I thought it would be fitting for him to propose in the city where we met and I kept talking myself out of it as we made our trip plans. In my mind a proposal was at least another year away. I would tell myself, "Stop it Mary. A proposal is far off. He's not even thinking about it." So I pushed all of my girly hopes out of my head and tried to focus on visiting with our friends.

We arrived Thursday night and stayed with our friend Justin. He greeted us warmly with treats, drinks, laughter, and music. It felt like a vacation!!

On Friday morning we slept in and took our time getting ready. I have a planner mindset so I wanted to go go go all day with a schedule, but he kept being chill and just told me to "go with the flow" and relax; we earned a vacation, so let's enjoy it! He wanted me to not make any plans and just tell our friends to contact us. He wanted to hit our favorite DC spots all day without much of an agenda. It made me anxious since I like to at least have a loose plan, but little did I know that he had plenty of plans in store!

We started off at one of our favorite brunch spots, Belga Cafe. Actually, the chef is now on Top Chef so that's pretty cool. We knew it when, though! haha

I challenge anyone to find a more delicious French Toast. 
Side note: isn't it so amazing how calories don't count on vacation? Just me?

Following brunch we headed over to the zoo from the Cleveland Park Metro Stop. I used to live in Cleveland Park and LOVE that neighborhood. I was so excited to see it and walk around the beautiful area. 
Zack Morris Time Out: after dating a few months I played hookie at my internship and met him at the zoo for a spontaneous date. He had the day off already. Anyway, we wanted to see the panda (Tai Shan) before he was shipped back to China. After that trip (and one of my favorite pictures together!) we fell in love with the cute bears. It was such a fun day, so the zoo holds a special place in our DC memories.

Time In: The zoo was awesome on Friday! 

The weather was perfect, the pandas were cute, and the big cats were actually outside. Success! 

I thought it was weird that Andrew kept on his winter coat the whole time since it was pretty hot and because we did a lot of walking. Also, his hands were in his pockets the whole time. Hmmm...shoulda known, right???

After the zoo we walked down through Woodley Park and hopped on the Metro to Dupont Circle. I was so excited since we didn't go there last year on our trip. We went to visit a couple co-workers from my first job in DC at the law firm. We grabbed some delicious Saxby's lattes and caught up with my two dear friends. I just love them and was so happy they could meet Andrew!

After that I kind of wanted to go back to the Hill and start to drink! It was happy hour, after all! Andrew, on the other hand, was insistent on going to Georgetown. Besides, we had to stop by GW for a quick errand, so we were practically in the area anyway. I wanted to go to Georgetown on Saturday with some of my classmates. I didn't get why he wanted to go to Georgetown, but figured he wanted to see it at night and also figured he didn't really want to go on Saturday so he could watch football.

On we trekked to campus! I was excited because the sun was about to set, so we decided to watch it on the Car Barn roof. I "studied" out there a lot as a grad student, so I was really happy to see it at sunset. Then we walked through campus.

I thought it was weird how Andrew was bummed that the tower on Healy wasn't lit, but I knew he really likes that building since it looks like Hogwarts. I also thought it was weird that he wanted to go to the Bookstore. I didn't need anything from the bookstore and didn't have the money to spend on a new shirt, but I wanted some new pens, so I figured why not.

After the bookstore and pens in hand, his boss called and he had to step away for a moment. I was hoping everything was OK, but since we took the day off I totally understood.

Then he suggested visiting the chapel behind Healy Hall since we stopped there during our first week of dating. 

Zack Morris Time Out: one week after our first date I was "studying" on the roof of the Car Barn. Andrew sweetly asked me when he could see me again. Swooning, I offered to hang out in Georgetown after he got off work. He worked across the bridge from campus so he met me on the roof of the Car Barn and I gave him a tour of campus. We stopped at the chapel courtyard at the end of the tour because it's my favorite spot on campus. It's secluded, quiet, and so romantic.

Time In: once we left the bookstore and walked out to the chapel courtyard, it was secluded, quiet, and so romantic.
(OK I'm crying a little bit as I write this!)

Then he stopped me as we were walking and said the sweetest words anyone could ever hear.
Of course I said...ok I kind of screamed...YES!!!!

I was in such disbelief! I just couldn't believe it! It happened! We were engaged! 

And then it really registered: I heard snapping throughout the proposal...

...he hired a photographer!

I CAN'T WAIT to see her pictures!!!!

Oh, his boss on the phone? Not his boss. It was the photographer. She was running late. Obviously I had no idea.

Once we both stopped shaking and snapping pictures around the chapel and Healy, we hopped in a cab! The plan was to meet Justin at Pour House for happy hour. 
Zack Morris Time Out: Pour House is the Steelers bar where we met. Justin was there that day and was actually the reason we met (AKA he sassed me while I waited for my friends to arrive so I joined them in their booth!) 
Time In: I was hoping friends would join us but didn't really think anyone would since it's a little out of the way. Since Pour House is where we met it was so fitting to celebrate there!

On the LONG cab ride through town during a Friday rush hour NO ONE answered their phones! Seriously! My parents, his parents, my sister, my brother and sister-in-law were all not answering!!! I immediately called Callie and thankfully she answered! She knew it was happening so was expecting a call, that sassy, sneaky best friend that she is! 
 (PS thanks for keeping the surpise, Cal. You KNEW I didn't want to know anything! Nice job!)

By the time we got to the Pour House I had yet to tell my parents. How frustrating, right?!?! UGH! I left funny messages on their home and cell phones: "Really?!?! Answer your phone!" Click. Redial.

We got out of the cab and Justin greeted us at the door. The photographer snapped a few pictures, I told the bouncer we just got engaged (of course I told everyone. The cab driver also said congrats.), and went to walk upstairs...which I also thought was weird since it was just the three of us and we met on the first floor.
Andrew stopped me on the way up for a quick smooch and I didn't think anything of it except that he was being cute as always.
When I turned to face upstairs I saw Megan and Andy, my best friends from grad school, holding a Steelers jersey saying "Mrs. Somyak" on the back with the number 9 for November 9, the day of our proposal. A split second later I turned and saw all of the friends I had emailed to say we were in town...and then...
...I saw my parents.
And his parents.
(OK I'm crying again!)
Andrew orchestrated a surprise engagement party!!!!
I was in SHOCK. 
I still kind of am! 

So many people came!

We even reenacted our meeting over three years ago in the same booth:

These are pictures of my parent's pictures they printed for us. I can't WAIT to see what the photographer captured.


So there you have it! We're engaged and thrilled!

I am still on cloud 9. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love. 
I know that's cheesy, but did you see how many people were involved? All of their stories are hilarious. Andrew's version is AWESOME. He took me to my favorite places in DC and involved family and friends. My parents drove that morning from Ohio (they've known since September. He asked their permission when we went to visit for Homecoming). His parents flew in from Austin (they've known for over a year. The ring is an heirloom)!! My friends dropped any plans to be there for the surprise. Megan and Andy and Justin helped Andrew make it all happen.

Needless to say, I am so blessed. I could not have asked for a more perfect man for me and a more perfect proposal. I don't know how he knew that I dreamed family and friends would be involved, but he knew. He knows me so well. I love him so very very much. I thank the good Lord every day that we met and fell in love.

Nice work, Andrew. 
Well done.
I can't freaking wait to call you my husband! Fiance will do for now :)

Did you read all of it?!?
Sorry I'm not sorry this was my longest post. It's 1 a.m. and I need to get to work early tomorrow. Worth it!


Anonymous said...

This is seriously the most thought out, sweet, adorable, romantic engagment EVER.
My fiance took me back to where we first met and proposed there as well. There is nothing like visiting old memories and making new ones, it will be a great place to take our kids one day:)

hiring a photographer?! major points, this is the one thing I wish I would have had from my engagement, I am sure they will be amazing! When you do get them back you should submit your story to we were featured there last July and your story is WAY to amazing not to share:)

CONGRATS!!! :):)

Katy H said...

I read it all. I loved it!! Couldn't be happier for the two of you <3 Congrats!!

Susan said...

Wow Mary. That is an unbelievable story, so so good!!! You really have a good one! I'm so happy for the two of you!! Congratulations again!

Beth said...

What a heartwarming engagement story. Congrats Mary!!

Mary said...

Thank you so much ladies!!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I love all the time ins and time outs. He did an awesome job of setting up something truly wonderful and special.


Kelly M. said...

This is such a wonderful engagement story. Those Texas boys know how to treat women right! Congratulations!

Rachel said...

Awww! He did such a good job! And I loved how you kept saying "I thought it was weird that...." :P You did have a slight idea that something might be happening, it sounds like...

Christina said...

This is so so special Mary! I'm so happy for you! I love the recap and was laughing at every Zack Morris time out. Can't wait to hear about your wedding planning. :) Xo

DSR said...

Congratulations! Enjoy this wonderfully exciting time, it will go by so quickly and you will be husband and wife in no time.

PS - love the SBTB Zack Morris reference!

Stephanie said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you Mary! That's the most romantic story, he did everything right. So sweet. I cannot wait to see what the photographer captured, so awesome that you'll have those photos forever.

Lindsey said...

Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful story and such a sweet fiance (kinda weird to hear, huh?). You will have so much fun wedding planning!

Megan O. said...

Congrats!!! How exciting and what a neat story :) It's amazing how guys can surprise us with their "surprises!" Very happy for you guys :)

Ashley @ The Sweet Life said...

What a great engagement story! So precious! I love the fact that he got the photog and got all of your friends and family together. How sweet! I'm engaged too--wedding planning is a blast, you'll love it!

New follower from Sami's weekend blog hop :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh! Congratulations on the engagement what an exciting time!!!

I found you via the Weekend Update linkup! Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a Heylee B. Boutique Giveaway! I thought you might be interested.


Courtney Cakes said...


Sami said...

What a sweet story! This is how I imagine I would want my engagement to go as well! Congratulations sweet girl! He did a great job :)

Amy Powell said...

oh congratulations!! that's super exciting! best of luck to you guys!

Rachel Farrell said...

So excited for you, Mary! Can totally relate to all of the "I hoped, but didn't want to get my hopes up..." and "it was sort of weird, but..." We got engaged on a vacation too. The best!

Sounds like you have a thoughtful, wonderful man on your hands. Enjoy every moment of your engagement. Your wedding will be here in the blink of an eye! XOXO

Chris said...

Congrats lovely girl! Enjoy every moment and I just know that you're going to make a beautiful bride!

callie ;) said...

yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!

and thanks for the shoutout. hehe. :)

Kimberlee said...

Awww congrats!! You look so surprised :)

Lisette @ Northern Belle Diaries said...

WOW! What a beautiful way to be proposed to!! He pulled out all the stops! So so so sweet! Congratulations! If I have a son one day, I am MAKING him propose to his girlfriend in this way. My heart just melted! Newest follower from GFB blog hop!

Sarah said...

I loved reading this! (And the Zack Morris Time Outs!) Congrats :) :)

Mrs. Nix said...

Ok, I was like, "Aw! How sweet" about the whole proposing thing, but when he invited everyone and surprised you??? I started bawling. What an awesome way to start your engagement! :)

Congrats, girly!

bianca @ sweet dreaming said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! this was the sweetest story :)

Michelle Baron said...

I"m a little late but CONGRATULATIONS!!! Cutest engagement and wish you and Andrew have a wonderful engagement, incredible wedding, and perfect marriage!!!

Ella said...

Such an adorable engagement story! I love reading other proposal stories :)
Congratulations :)

Samantha said...

Um hi, I'm crying while sitting at my desk. Thank you. Ha. I know this is an older post, but congrats!! SO exciting!!

Lauren said...

I'm so glad you sent me the link to this. I love it. All of it! And it's so funny how there are so many clues and we both were oblivious to them. I think it made the surprise that much better!

Brianna said...

Awh I love this! I love your blog, I'm a new follower!


Anonymous said...

This is amazing! My fiance also planned for all of our friends and family to be there and it was the best day, having a photographer is also a huge plus!! The only thing I don't 110% love is the jersey ;) being a Ravens fan and all, but it is the cutest idea ever!!