Happy Tuesday!
I don't know about you, but I sure find it difficult to keep it classy in the heat. When the heat index peaks over 100 degrees my sweat index reaches 100%, especially on my walk to work.
I mean, this is what I think I look like as I walk:

Buuuut in this heat I actually look like this by the time I get to work:
How are you keeping it classy on hot days like this?
{Belle gif | Sweaty gif}
i wish someone would dump a bucket of ice on my head!!!
I'm just going to put this out there-- deodorant on my inner thighs. I know, sounds weird (and possibly yucky)... but when you have to walk around the city in a dress or skirt-- this is a life saver to chaffing or rubbing :-)
haha love it!
I can't stand this heat. I feel like my brain is melting along with the rest of my body and as it is I just sweat a lot. Wait... is that TMI? Sorry. Luckily I drive to work, but the 3 minutes it takes me to walk to my car is excruciating! Stay cool, friend. Stay cool.
Hahaha! I hear ya girl. It is soooo hard to be any kind of cute by days end :-)! Fall is in sight! Take heart!
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